Registration Process:-
- Prospectus , Registration Forms for Admission can be obtained from the school office on cash payment in the last week of December for I to IX.
- The application form should be duly filled and signed by the Parents/Guardian and submitted with required documents as mentioned in form, by time.
- The registered candidate will be called for Admission Test/ Interview (except Std 1 to 3).
- 25% seats are reserved for poor students.
Test/ Interview :-
Questions will be set from CBSE syllabus of the preceding standard for which admission is sought, comprising seven subjects - English, Hindi, Math, Science, Social Science,& G.K.
The following documents are to be submitted in original at the time of admission-- Transfer Certificate from the previous school.
- Birth certificate from proper authority. These certificates will be retained by the school for records. The date of birth recorded in the admission register will be final and cannot be changed later.